Home Volkswagen History Battle for the Beetle

Battle for the Beetle

Battle for the Beetle table of contents:


Abarth, Karl, 349
A.C. Cars, 146-148
Adam Opel AG. See Opel company
Adenauer, Konrad, 377
Aengeneydt, Josef, 50
Air-cooled engines, 25, 67, 174, 177, 230, 250, 310, 319
Briggs (Tjaarda) design, 161-162
Chevrolet Corvair, 396
Daimler-Benz decision on, 12
Lewis Airomobile, 163-164
Tatras, 136-137, 223
Voiture SIA competition, 192
Aircraft, powered by Volkswagen engine, 72
Airomobile, 163-164
Allmers, Robert, 3, 19, 20, 78
Ambi-Budd, 72-73, 112, 238, 270
American auto industry.
See United States auto industry
American Society of Body Engineers, 183-184
Amphibious car, 65-70, 149-150, 179-183
Andreau, Jean, 194-195
Argentina, 234
Armstrong, A. C., 289-290
Austin, Herbert, 124
Austin company, 124, 297
Australia, 240-248, 341
Auto Union AG, 6-8, 19, 53-54, 162, 342
Autobahn, 171, 199, 224, 329, 386
Autocar, The, 117-119, 126-127, 136-138, 144, 302, 318-319, 359
Automobil Revue, 359-361
Automobile Engineer, The, 119, 126, 144
Automotive and Aviation Industries, 177
Automotive Industries, 156, 159, 169, 170-171, 251
Automotive News, 187-188


Bank of German Labor (BdA), 26-27, 29, 44
Barber, Leslie F., 107-108, 331, 335, 338, 343
Barclay, Hartley, 81
Barenyi, Bela, 159-160
BdA. See Bank of German Labor (BdA)
Beaumont, Horace C. M., 319-320, 322
Beckett, Terence, 288
Beermann, Hermann, 345-346
Beier, Josef, 71, 151
Belgium, 234-236, 330, 359, 362
Bentley, John, 212
Berlin Auto Show
1933, 2-3
1934, 18
1937, 29
1938, 199-200
1939, 34-35, 119, 171, 198
Berryman, Richard, 105-106, 209-210, 237, 241, 243, 248, 305, 399
Bevin, Ernest, 309, 316
Binder, Rolf, 118
Bisset, R., 114
Black, John, 299-302, 306
Black market VW sales, 346-347
BMW, 19, 237-238, 341
Boas, C. P. "Guy," 296, 327-328
Boddy, William, 382
Bombs produced at VW plant, 45-50, 91
Borgward, Carl, 16
Boyer, Robert, 262
Boyle, Robert, 132
Brabazon, Lord, 331-333
Bradley, W. F., 169, 172
Brakes, VW
American reviews of, 174, 182
British review of, 145
hydraulic, 372
prototype design, 24
Brandenburg, Dr. Ing. e. h., 3, 20
Braunschweig Vorwerk, 90
Brazil, 231-232
Breech, Ernest R., 272, 285, 287
Breer, Carl, 159, 183
Briggs, Walter O., 160-163
Briggs Manufacturing Company, 128, 155, 160-163, 256-257
Bright, R. H., 295-296, 307, 309, 318, 329
occupation of Germany, 93-96, 100-116,
342-343 (See also British Intelligence
Objectives Sub-Committee (BIOS);
Control Commission for Germany
(CCG), British Element of)
post-war Labour government, 290-291
British Army of the Rhine (BAOR), 102, 104, 109-114, 231
British auto industry
exports as goal, 292, 295, 296, 329, 334
fear of VW market share, 112, 117, 122,
230-231, 284, 289, 295, 296, 329-330
post-war development of, 290-293, 299-302,
rear-engine designs, 125-135, 310-315, 319
resistance to change, 124, 135-136, 297,
Volkswagen Works, bid for, 293-299,
303-305, 325-326, 381
wartime shadow factories, use of, 297, 298
British Board of Trade, 291, 293-294, 299, 316, 327, 328
British Intelligence Objectives Sub-Commit-
tee (BIOS), 95, 142-148, 177, 293-295, 297-298, 329
British Light Utility Vehicles, 109, 113-114
British Manufacture and Research Company
(BMARCO), 320-321
British Two-Seater, 109, 113-114
Brörmann, Rudolf, 101, 107, 214-215
Brown, Julian, 156-157
Bruhn, Richard, 6
Bryce, Charles, 145, 151, 152
BSA, 342
Bullock, John, 122, 382
Burney, Sir Charles Dennistoun, 133-135
Burney Streamline, 132-134, 157
Bussien, Richard, 278-279


Cahan, Flint, 284-285
Carlisle, A. F., 153-154
Carter, J. W., 244
Castle, W. J., 384
CCG. See Control Commission for Germany
(CCG), British Element of
Central Works, Nordhausen, 49-50
Charitable Society for Former Volkswagen
Savers, 376
Chase, Herbert, 158
Chevrolet Corvair, 394, 397-399
Chrysler Airflow, 155, 159
Citroën, 201, 205, 320
Claveau, Emile, 157, 190-194
Clay, Lucius, 283
Coates, Eric, 280, 284
Cole, Edward N., 187, 396
Coleman-Baber, A. John, 382
Command Car, 70, 208-209
Control Commission for Germany (CCG),
British Element of, 102, 104-106, 108-111, 114, 231-233, 236, 270, 271, 296, 327-328, 338-339, 343, 346, 363, 366
Cooke, Sir R. Gresham, 359
Cooper, Stanford, 271, 279-280, 282-285, 285
Co-operative Wholesale Society, 335-336
Corvair, Chevrolet, 394, 397-399
Cowling, William C., 257
Craig, Joe, 95
Cripps, Stafford, 291-292, 299-302, 309, 315-317, 335-336
Crossley Motors, 135
Cyclecar, 126
Cyclecars, 16
Czechoslovakia, 221-228


DAF. See German Workers Front (DAF)
Daimler-Benz, 19
auto racing and, 6, 9-12
Benz RH series (Tropfen-Wagen) race car,
Britain, 297
merger of Daimler and Benz, 12, 379
Porsche at, 3-4, 9, 12
rear-engine design, 9-14, 55, 136, 218
Tropfen-Auto, 11
Volkswagen development, role in, 22-24, 36,
51, 118
wartime models of, 54
wartime production by, 91
Dalton, Hugh, 316, 325
Davidson, W. J., 168-169
Dedman, John J., 246
Degenkolb, Gerhard, 50
Denmark, 234, 362
D"Ieteren, Pierre, 235, 359
Dietrich, Josef, 55-56
Directive 50, 344-345
DKW, 198, 229-230, 342, 373
Dolphin, Dubonnet, 195-196
Doman, Carl, 163
Doman-Marks Engine Company, 163-164
Douglas, R. B., 95
Dowding, Hugh, 297
Dubonnet, André, 194-196
Dubonnet Narval (Dolphin), 195-196
Duerksen, Menno, 183
Dufour, John, 235-236
Dugdale, John, 103, 139-142, 302, 304
Duncan, Ian, 314
Dunphie, Charles A., 151, 309, 329-330
Dyckhoff, Otto, 42, 77-78, 80, 86-87, 224


Earl, Harley, 155
Ellis, H. E., 144
Englebert Magazine, 197-198
Eschenlohr, John, 74
Eschershausen, 91


Fallersleben, factory at. See Volkswagen Works
Faroux, Charles, 192-193, 198, 234
Fedden, Roy, 137, 302-303, 307-318
Ferguson, Harry, 299-301, 381
Feuereissen, Karl, 115
Fieseler Werke, 45
Fisher, D. R. D., 112-113
Fishleigh, Walter T., 157-158
Ford, Edsel, 155, 160, 162, 255-256, 264, 265, 272
Ford, Henry, 80-81, 155
Hitler and, 253-256
innovations by, 257-265
Ford, Henry II, 272, 277-282, 287, 399
Ford Motor Company, 54, 155-156, 377, 398-399
British, 124, 284, 288
factories as VW prototypes, 79-83
German, 110-111, 171, 173, 255, 268-271
plastic-bodied car, 262-265, 272
rear-engine designs, 256-265, 272
Volkswagen acquisition proposed, 279-288, 357, 395-396
Volkswagens reviewed by, 147, 150-151, 253, 267-268
Ford Production Methods, 81-82
Fothergill, Charles, 151-152
Foundries, at automobile factories, 79, 111-112
French auto industry
Claveau, role of, 190-194
early history of, 189-190
post-war production, 205-206
pre-war production, 201
small car development, 194-197
Volkswagen development, response to,
197-202, 212-213
Volkswagen Works, bid for, 208-214, 294, 341
Frey, Kurt, 28
Fröhlich, Karl, 23
Frostick, Michael, 131
Frye, J. H., 175
Fuel consumption, VW
British review of, 146
Ford review of, 147
Fuller, R. Buckminster, 164-166


Ganz, Josef, 1, 13, 16, 71, 160, 196-197, 358
General Motors, 155
Chevrolet Corvair, 394, 397-399
Holden"s (Australia), 244-246
Martia design, 169, 250-253
Overseas Operations Division (GMOO), 252, 273 (See also Opel; Vauxhall)
rear engine designs, 168-169, 187, 249-253
Volkswagen acquisition proposed, 252-253, 396
Volkswagen development, response to, 249
German auto manufacturers. See also Opel;
Reichsverband der deutschen Automobil-
industrie (RDA); Volkswagen
Allied occupation, production during, 110-111
fear of VW market share, 27, 169, 171, 236, 373
military vehicles, production of, 53-55, 61-62 (See also Volkswagen, military
version of)
model ranges, simplification of, 53, 54
pre-war production figures, 24-26, 34
production expansion planned by Hitler, 18-19
shared production of VWs, proposed, 20, 24
German trade unions.
See also German Workers Front (DAF)
abolishment of, 26
post-war claim to Volkswagen Works, 345-346
German Workers Front (DAF), 26-30, 32-36, 44, 89-90, 107, 343-344, 364, 374-377
GEZUVOR, 37, 81-85, 96.
See also Volkswagen GmbH
Gibson, George, 325
Goebbels, Joseph, 29
Goldinger, Joseph, 14
Goransch, Hans, 108
Göring, Hermann, 51, 54, 173
Goudard, Maurice, 192
Grégoire, Jean-Albert, 199, 200, 278, 323-324
Gregorie, Eugene T. "Bob," 257, 258, 264
Guettier, Henri, 215
Guthrie, W. G., 172-173


Hagemeier, Ernst, 53
Hahn, Carl, 53-54
Hanfstaengl, Ernst "Putzi," 1
Hansa 400 cyclecar, 16
Hanson, Harry, 81
Hartnett, Laurence John, 244-248, 324-325, 341
Häsner, Alfred, 354
Healey, Donald, 306-307
Heber, Karl, 108
Hebmüller, Josef, and Son, 351
Heldt, Peter M., 156-157
Henderson, Fred, 163
Hennessey, Patrick, 270
Hess, Rudolf, 7
Hiemenz, Hans, 108
Hillman Imp, 387
Hillman Minx, compared to Volkswagen, 145, 304
Himmler, Heinrich, 49, 68-69
Hirohito, Emperor, 52
Hirst, Ivan, 110-112, 144-145, 150, 208-209, 341, 347, 355, 381-382
assignment to Volkswagen Works, 104-108
Australians and, 244
on Ben Pon, 233
disposition of Volkswagen Works and, 330,
Fedden and, 317
Ford and, 270, 271
German management and, 247, 273, 276,
280, 362
Renault and, 214, 217
Rootes and, 303-304
Russians and, 239
on Tatra, 225
Hitler, Adolf, 75, 119, 155, 171
1939 visit to Volkswagen Works, 37-38
auto racing, support for, 6-8
cars for people as goal of, 2, 15, 32-33
Ford, relationship with, 253-256
interest in automotive field, 1-2
KdF-Stadt named by, 30-31
Porsche and (See Porsche, Ferdinand)
Volkswagen cabriolet presented to, 51
Volkswagen design, role in, 14-15, 19, 20,
21, 25
at Volkswagen Works cornerstone
ceremony, 31-33, 118
wartime Volkswagen production and, 67-69
Hives, Ernest, 134
Hoffman, Max, 196-197, 358, 392-394
Holland, 233, 359, 362
Hopfinger, K. B., 380
Hörner, Franz, 12
Hounsfield, Leslie, 127
Howard, Graeme K., 183, 244, 272-273, 277-283, 285-286
Hruska, Rudolf, 349
Huland, Karl, 108
Humber Ltd., 142-145, 148, 303, 307, 386-387
Hunt, P. B., 330
Hutchinson, Richard, 253


Illingworth, C. G., 277
Irving, J. S. "Jack," 93
Issigonis, Alec, 138, 297


Jackling, Roger, 384-385
Jarrett, G. B., 179
Jeeps, 178, 180
compared to Type 82 Volkswagens, 174-175
Nuffield proposal to use VW Works for
British version of, 298-299
U. S. wartime production of, 73
Julian prototype, 156-157
Junkers Flugzeug-und Motorenwerke AG, 43-45
Junner, Gordon Mackenzie, 121


Kaes, Ghislaine, 380
Kales, Josef, 16, 23, 108, 150-151, 163-164, 227, 250, 353
Karmann, Willhelm, 351-352, 372
KdF-Stadt, 31. See also Volkswagen Works
KdF-Wagens. See Volkswagen, pre-war devel-
opment of; Volkswagen, wartime production
of civilian
Keirn, D. J., 266
Keitel, Wilhelm, 67
Keller die-making machine, 304, 341
Kempka, Erich, 2, 75
Kendall, Denis, 307, 318-325, 335
Kendall-Beaumont, 318-325
Kern, Hans, 37, 225
Kettering, Charles, 169, 249-253
Keynes, John Maynard, 109-110, 290
King, R. H., 210
Kissel, Wilhelm, 19
Knight, G. S., 294-296
Knott, Hermann, 276
Knudsen, William S., 171-173
Kohlbecker, Karl, 85
Koller, Peter, 30
Komenda, Erwin, 23
Koppenberg, Heinrich, 44
Kübelwagen. See Type 82
Kuntze, Fritz, 52, 82, 83, 97
La Pratique Automobile, 197
Lafferentz, Bodo, 29-31, 33-34, 44, 80, 83, 89, 213, 364, 375-376


Laird, Henry, 103
Lamb, P. Rawson, 193
Lamm, Michael, 156
Law 52, 337-338
Lawson, British Secretary of War, 114
Ledwinka, Erich, 226
Ledwinka, Hans, 1, 128, 136-137, 221-223, 225-226
Lefauchaux, Pierre, 204-208, 214, 216, 219, 278
Lewis, Paul M., 163-164
Ley, Robert, 26, 28-29, 31-32, 34, 44, 51, 52, 58, 89, 170, 288, 343, 347, 364
Leyland company, 127-128
Liese, Albert, 55
Light Car, The, 120-121, 126
Limited-slip differential, 60, 175
Lincoln Zephyr, 257
Ljungström, Gunnar, 228-230
Loewy, Raymond, 304, 391
London Passenger Transport Board, 356-357, 363-357
Lonsdale, John, 269-271
Loorham, J. T. O., 241-242, 244
Louis, Jean, 214-215, 217
Lower Saxony, 363-364, 366, 368, 377
Lucas, Ralph, 125
Lusser, Robert, 45
Luxembourg, 362


MacDonald, George, 269
MacGregor, John, 274
Marks, Ed, 163
Martin, James V., 158-159
Martin Aeroplane Company, 158-159
Mass production, design for, 77-87, 317.
See also Vertical integration
Mastra (Trojan), 127-128
Mathis, Emil, 161-163
Mayr, Hans, 52, 98
McDuffie, Archie, 251
McEvoy, Michael, 95, 102-104, 110, 111, 353, 382
McInnes, Alasdair, 108, 330-331, 338, 365, 381
Mercedes-Benz company. See Daimler-Benz
Mercedes-Benz Type 130, 12-14, 55, 136, 218
Messerschmitt, Willy, 53
Metzmaïer, Ernst, 215
Mewes, Rudolf, 83-85
MGM (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer), 170
Mickl, Josef, 23
Military government (Mil Gov). See Control
Commission for Germany (CCG), British
Element of
Military vehicles, production of, 53, 61-62.
See also Volkswagen, military version of
British occupation forces, needs of, 108-114
motorcycles, 54-55, 67-68, 95
price of, 69
Tatra, German appropriation of, 222,
Uniform Chassis I light vehicle, 54-55, 61,
62, 64, 66-67
Miller, Craig, 387
Mills, Percy, 303-304
Minoia, Fernando, 12
Mommsen, Hans, 213, 373, 375
Mooney, James, 25
Morris automobile company, 124
Morris Minor, 138, 297
Morrison, Herbert, 357
Moskvitch 400, 238-239
Motor, The, 117-118, 121-122, 126, 138, 144, 148-149, 152-153, 289-290, 292, 302, 318, 320, 366, 383-384
Motor Sport, 382
BSA, use of DKW information by, 342
military, 54-55, 67-68, 95
Moulton, Alex, 310, 312, 314-315
Müller, Josef, 12, 218
Mulliner, Arthur, 319
Münch, Hermann, 107, 273, 276


Nader, Ralph, 398
Nador, Emery, 260
Nallinger, Fritz, 11-12
National Socialist Motoring Corps (NSKK), 55, 57
Nauck, Alfred, 197-198, 213-214, 234
Neal, F. T., 338, 349
News Chronicle, 151-152
Nibel, Hans, 10-12, 131, 136
Nordhausen Central Works, 49-50
Nordhoff, Heinrich "Heinz," 96, 351, 368-372, 380-381, 386, 394-395
American sales of VWs, 358-359
chosen as VW general manager, 274-277
Ford, relationship with, 281-283, 286-287
Porsche, negotiations with, 349
North, Oliver D., 125
North-Lucas prototype, 125-128, 157
NSU Type 32 rear-engine car, 5, 8, 9, 13-17
Nuffield Organisation, 296-298


Oak, Vic, 138
O"Flaherty, Stephen, 382
Öftering, Professor, 384-385
Olley, Maurice, 96, 148, 216
Omnia, 193
Opel company, 54, 171-173, 198, 275, 341, 386
exclusion from RDA/VW planning, 19,
25, 27
General Motors post-war questions on,
238, 253
low-price models, 18
Russian removal of assets of, 238-239


Parker, Richard H., 284-285, 326, 338, 345, 356-357
Paul, Marcel, 208, 211, 213-214
Pearson, Philip, 164
Petit, Henri, 198, 234
Peugeot, Jean-Pierre, 278
Peugeot company, 46-47, 189, 201, 205, 211, 213-214
Philipson, Gunnar V., 229-230
Picard, Fernand, 201-205, 207, 217-220
Piëch, Anton, 4, 30, 41, 213, 215, 216, 379
Piëch, Louise, 349
Platt, Maurice, 252-253
Pomeroy, Laurence, Jr., 103-104, 121-123, 144, 383-384
Pon, Ben, 41, 233, 352-354, 358, 362, 372, 392
Ponitowski, Stanislas, 320, 323
Pons, Paul-Marie, 205, 206-207
Popp, Franz Josef, 19, 26-29, 36
Porsche, Ferdinand, 3-9, 71, 74, 131, 160, 169
Allied inquiries into wartime activities of,
213-216, 226, 278, 326-327, 381
Briggs engine design and, 162-163
at Daimler-Benz, 3-4, 12
final visit to Volkswagen Works, 379-381
Hitler and, 7-8, 14-15, 31, 42, 67, 78, 79, 86
Renault, advice to, 215-216, 327
Russian overtures to, 239-240
U.S. trips, 1936 and 1937, 78-81
Volkswagen Works opened by, 38
war production, role in, 43-45, 49-50, 53, 67
Porsche, Ferry, 80, 212, 390, 392
father, comments on, 4, 42, 78, 79, 379-381
postwar contract with VW, 348-350
Volkswagen development, role in, 23, 24,
55-56, 351
Volkswagen factory, comments on, 30, 38
war production, role in, 62, 64-66, 67-69, 71
Porsche company, 3-4
American post-war interviews of, 226
French bid for Volkswagen Works and,
Hütte base, 41
later VW designs, 387-389
NSU rear-engine car, 5, 8, 9
race car development, pre-war, 5-8
size of, 37
Studebaker, designs for, 389-392
torsion-bar suspension designs, 8-9, 79, 117,
176, 179
Volkswagen developed by, 20-23, 41, 51
Volkswagen "Exposé" (design plan), 16-17,
20, 369, 371
Volkswagen patents and rights, 117,
225-226, 284, 326, 347-350
Volkswagen Works plant design, 78-81
war-time design work and income, 71-72
Zündapp rear-engine car, 4, 9, 132
Portas, John, 270
Pressed Steel Co. Ltd., 146


Rabe, Karl, 16, 23-24, 57, 390
Radclyffe, Charles R., 189, 304, 353, 366
disposal of Volkswagen Works, 284-287, 331-333, 343, 358
Ford and, 279-281
oversight of Volkswagen Works by, 106-107, 273, 274, 276
Renault and, 214, 217
VDA established by, 269
Railton, Arthur, 233, 380, 394
Rasmussen, Jörgen Skafte, 162
RDA. See Reichsverband der deutschen Auto-
mobilindustrie (RDA)
Rear-engine designs, 147. See also Tatra;
American, 156-169, 186-187, 249-253,
256-265, 272, 390
British, 125-135, 310-315, 319
Reich Ministry of Transport, 3, 19, 20
Reichsverband der deutschen Automobilindus-
trie (RDA), 3, 19-22, 24-26, 29, 54, 171, 274.
See also VDA
Reimspiess, Franz Xaver, 23, 25
Renault, Louis, 199-205
Renault company (Régie Renault), 189
4CV car developed by, 199-208, 215-219, 246, 327
Dauphine, 219
visit to Volkswagen Works, 214-215
Rhodes, Anthony, 199
Richter, Karl, 342
Ricker, Charles ?Chet?, 177
Ringel, Rudolf, 55, 208, 351
Ringhoffer-Tatra-Werke AG. See Tatra
Ritchie, William, 326
Roberts, Alan. See Rosenberg, Adolf
Roberts, Albert, 259-261
Roberts, Stephen, 26
Robertson, Brian Hubert, 366
Robjohns, A. J. "Robbie," 240-241
Robson, Graham, 143
Rolls-Royce, 134-135
Rolt, Tony, 381
Rommel, Erwin, 74
Rootes Motors, 297, 302-305, 341, 382, 387, 399
Rosenberg, Adolf, 5-6, 8
Rover, 297
Rover Motor Company
Scarab model, 128-132
Zündapp, links with, 132
Rowlands, Archibald, 333-334
Roy Fedden Ltd., 309-317
Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
(REME), British, 102, 104, 108, 270
Rumpler, Edmund, 10-11, 157
Russia, 236-240, 270, 287, 295, 341-343, 386


Saab, 228-230
Scarab, Rover, 128-132
Scarab, Stout, 166-168
Schirz, Otto, 29
Schjolin, E. Olle, 250, 251
Scholz, Wilhelm, 19
Schreier, Konrad F., Jr., 178-179, 183
Schupp & Kremer, 85
Schwimmwagen (amphibious, Types 128 and 166), 65-70, 149-150, 179-183
Segrave, Henry de Hane, 93
Selwyn, John, 329
Serre, Charles Edmond, 201-203, 297
Sheldrick, Lawrence, 259-261
Shneeraupe (snow-caterpillar, Type 155), 70
Singer Motors, 146-147
Skoda, 226-228
Sloan, Alfred P., 250-252
Snow-caterpillar, 70
Societé des Ingenieurs de l"Automobile (SIA), 192, 194
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), 157-158, 164, 175, 177, 180-181
Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders
(SMMT), 93-95, 231, 291-292
Sorensen, Charles, 81, 82, 259, 265
Speer, Albert, 30, 42, 44, 50, 52, 274
SS, testing of Volkswagens by, 22, 55
Stadt des KdF-Wagens, 31.
See also Volkswagen Works
Standard Fahrzeugfabrik GmbH, 16
Superior small car, 16
Standard Motors, 297, 299-302, 306
Vanguard saloon, 301-302
Sterkenburg auto design, 160
Steyr Daimler Puch, 341-342
Stoewer, military vehicles produced by, 54-55
Stolz, Karl, 376
Stout, William Bushnell, 164-168, 187, 394, 396
Stuck, Hans, 7-8, 14
Studebaker, 253, 389-392
Stuka (Type 62), 56-58
Sunbeam racing cars, 93
Swallow, William, 252-253
Sweden, 228-230, 362
Switzerland, 359-362


German control of, 222, 224-225
models, 1, 128, 136-138, 222-226, 313
patent priority of, 225-226
pre-war production of, 221-222
Thacker, Charles, 269, 278
Thiriar, Michael, 380
Thomas, Miles, 126-127, 137-138, 296-299, 316, 330, 335-336
Tire pressure, VW, 177
Titchener, J. L. B., 233-234
Tjaarda, John, 128, 155-156, 160-163, 168, 187, 256-257
Todt, Fritz, 224
Tolliday, Steven, 115, 368
Transmissions, automatic, 71, 151
Tregoning, W. Leonard, 271
Trippel, Hanns, 66-67
Trojan Limited, 127-128, 157
Mastra, 127-128
Tropfen-Auto, 10-11
Tucker, Preston, 186-187
Turbocharger, 71
Turner, George W., 112-113, 298-299, 334
Turner, Ian, 368


Übelacker, Erich, 222-223
Udet, Ernst, 43, 44, 173
Uhlenhaut, Rudolf, 353-354
Uniform Chassis I, 54-55, 61, 62, 66-67
Union of Volkswagen Savers, 364
United States
occupation of Germany, 98-99, 144, 341
Volkswagen automobiles, military studies
of, 173-183
Volkswagens exported to, 392-395, 398-399
VW manual developed by military, 176-177
United States Army Proving Grounds,
Aberdeen, Maryland, 173-179, 183
United States auto industry. See also Ford
Motor Company; General Motors
rear-engine designs (See Rear-engine
1930s, development during, 155-156
Volkswagen development, response to, 169,
186-188, 249, 253
Volkswagen Works, bids for, 252-253,
279-288, 357, 395-396

V-1 (buzz bomb)
Ford Motor Co., manufacture at, 266-267
Volkswagen Works, manufacture at,
45-50, 91
Van de Kamp, Will W., 394
Vance, Harold, 253, 389-392
Vanguard saloon, Standard, 301-302
Vauxhall, 124, 253
VDA, 269-270
Vertical integration, 80, 173, 395
Vitger, Erhard, 287
Volksauto, 1
Volkswagen, military uses of, 53-75
British reviews of, 138-142, 303
Command Car, 70, 208-209
desert, use on, 73-74, 138-139, 141-144,
early development of, 55
engine adapted to other uses, 72
limited-slip differential, 60
off-road mobility, 55, 57, 60-61
post-war production, effect on, 71-72
Schwimmwagen (amphibious, Types 128
and 166), 65-70, 149-150, 179-183
Shneeraupe (snow-caterpillar, Type 155), 70
Type 62, 56-58
Type 82 (See Type 82)
Type 86, 70
Type 87, 60-61, 66
Type 157, 71
weight of, 55, 59-60, 180-181
Volkswagen, Occupation-period models, 184-188
black market for, 346-347
British response to, 150-154
convertibles, 351, 372
development of, 350-355
export of, 230-234, 247, 325-326, 350,
French response to, 209-210
Karmann-Ghia designs, 351-352, 372
occupation troops, sales to, 114, 152,
Plattenwagen, 352
prices of, 114-115, 152, 247
production of, 114-115, 184, 210, 247, 285
sales distribution system, 115, 286
Type 11 (See Type 11)
Type 21, 147
Type 51, 111, 147
Type 82, 111, 267-268
vans, 353-355
Volkswagen, post-Occupation models, 369-399
Concept 1, 369
development of new, 387-389
exports, 372-374, 384, 386, 392-395,
Golf, 372
production, 368
Transporter, 372, 394
Type 181, 372
Volkswagen, pre-war development of, 3, 117-124, 143-149, 169-171, 197-198, 369-369. See also Porsche, Ferdinand; VW3
actual production of, 51
cabriolets, 51, 198
classic style of, 369-372
Claveau design compared, 191-193
DAF purchase plan (See Volkswagen
savings plan)
dealerships, 36
Fedden design compared, 313-314
journalists, demonstration for, 119-121
patents, 117, 225-226, 284, 326
people"s car as goal, 2-3, 15, 32-33
planned production, 18, 37-39, 79, 169,
172, 198
repairs system, 36-37
resources available for production, 24-26
selling price, 15, 17-19, 20, 28, 79, 118, 169
shared production proposal, 20, 24, 54
Volkswagen "Exposé" by Porsche, 16-17, 20
Volkswagen, war-time production of civilian, 51-52
actual production, 52, 63-64
planned production, 51
price of, 52
Volkswagen Foundation, 379
Volkswagen GmbH, 37, 273-277, 364.
See also GEZUVOR
Allied decision on turnover of, 337-368
federal government takeover of, 366-368,
public sale of shares, 378-379
Volkswagen (model types)
Command Car, 70, 208-209
Schwimmwagen (amphibious, Types 128
and 166), 65-70, 149-150, 179-183
Shneeraupe (snow-caterpillar, Type 155), 70
Stuka (Type 62), 56-58
Type 11, 114-115, 145-146, 151, 183, 209,
350, 362
Type 21, 147
Type 51, 111, 147
Type 60, 56, 110, 114, 329, 369 (See also
Volkswagen, pre-war development of)
Type 62, 56-58
Type 82, 58-65, 70, 72-74, 103, 111, 141-144,
173-178, 240, 267-268
Type 86, 70
Type 87, 60-61, 66
Type 98, 70
Type 128, 65-68
Type 155, 70
Type 157, 71
Type 166, 68-70, 149-150, 179-182
Type 181, 372
Type 287, 70, 208-209
Type 402, 387
Type 522, 387-389
Volkswagen Motors, 382
Volkswagen savings plan, 27-28, 33-36, 170, 343, 364, 373-377
Volkswagen Works, 30-31
as Allied bombing target, 46-49, 91-93,
96-98, 184
Allied occupation, effect of, 98-116, 145,
208-210 (See also Volkswagen, Occu-
pation-period models)
American information on, 183-188
bids by other countries for (post-war),
208-214, 233-236, 239-248, 252-253,
279-288, 293-299, 303-305, 325-326,
341, 381, 395-396
British SMMT report on, 93-95
building design, 77-87, 93-94, 96, 297-298
components, sources of, 72-73, 92, 111-112
construction of, 31, 41-43, 89-91, 118
cost of factory, 89-90
foundry at, 111-112
German-Americans at, 52, 63, 80, 81, 98
Hitler"s visit, July 1939, 37-38
Job One, 38
machine tools, 52, 91-92, 95-96, 100-101,
214, 304, 341
Piëch, Anton as manager of, 41
as public utility, 28, 54
repair work at, 355-356
site of, 30-31, 81
sub-story, 88, 93
town name, 30-31, 101
vertical integration, 80, 173, 395
Vorwerk (Braunschweig), 90
as war materiel production site, 42-51,
91-92, 98-100
wartime forced laborers at, 97
wartime production of vehicles, 51-52,
61-63, 72-73
von Brauchitsch, Manfred, 6
von Oertzen, Klaus Detlof, 6-8, 14
von Opel, Wilhelm, 171-172
von Schell, Adolf, 54, 78, 173, 224
von Urach, Prince, 204, 217-218
von Veyder-Malberg, Hans, 8, 225
Vorwig, Wilhelm, 21-22, 24, 29, 274
VW Motors Ltd., 382
VW3 prototypes, 21, 34-36
testing of, 21-22, 29, 55


Wagner, Max, 10-12
Walb, Willy, 11, 12
Wankel, Felix, 71
War materiel production, 42-50
Ware, Peter, 302, 314-317, 387
Weir, Cecil, 270
Wenner-Gren, Axel, 161-163
Werlin, Jakob, 6, 9, 14-15, 20, 29, 52, 80
Werner, Joseph, 52, 63, 92
Werner, William, 6
Wieland, Arthur J., 377, 395-396
Wilkins, Gordon, 120, 152, 276, 310, 314-315,
Wilks, Maurice, 132
Winter, Bernard "B. B.", 142-144, 148-149, 387
Winter, Eduard, 275
Wolfsburg, 101, 344-345.
See also Volkswagen Works
Wood, Derek, 307, 309, 327-329
Wood, Jonathan, 124
Worden, Lloyd D., 183-184


Zahradnik, Josef, 23
Zhukov, Marshal, 237-238
Zoerlein, Emil, 253-254, 260
Zoller, Arnold Theodor, 103-104
Zündapp, 16
rear-engine car designed for, 4, 9, 132
Rover, links with, 132
Karl Ludvigsen
Karl Ludvigsen

In addition to his motor industry activities as an executive (with GM, Fiat and Ford) and head of a consulting company, Karl Ludvigsen has been active for over 50 years as an author and historian. As an author, co-author or editor he has some four dozen books to his credit. Needless to say, they are all about cars and the motor industry, Karl's life-long passion.

More about Karl Ludvigsen