
BentleyPublishers.com > FAQ > Shopping

Frequently Asked Questions:

Shopping with BentleyPublishers.com

How do I make a purchase on BentleyPublishers.com?

On most BentleyPublishers.com product pages, there is an Add to Shopping Cart button that looks like this: . When this button appears, clicking it will add the item to your Shopping Cart. As you browse through the website, you can add items to your Shopping Cart by clicking the button on each page. If you'd like to see what's in your shopping cart, you can click the View Cart button at the top of each BentleyPublishers.com page.

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What if the item I ordered is out of stock / on backorder?

Occasionally, one of the products we offer goes temporarily out of stock. If it turns out that an item you've ordered is unavailable at the time of your order, we'll send you an email to let you know about it. We'll also try and give you an estimate of when we're expecting it back in stock and leave it up to you whether you want to keep the order as a backorder or cancel the order completely.

When your item is backordered, we retain your order information and process the order when the item is back in stock. We will then charge your credit card when we ship your order. We'll let you know when that happens and send you the package tracking number(s) by email.

If you've ordered multiple items, we'll only charge you for the shipping on the in-stock items.

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What if the item I ordered isn't out yet?

If we haven't yet released a particular item, you'll see a Notify Me When Available button on the product page that looks like this: When you click on this button, you'll be given the opportunity to get put on an email list to be notified when the item is released.

You may also see the Add to Shopping Cart button. Clicking on this button will add the book to your shopping cart, but we'll treat the order as if the book were out of stock

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How do I search for a product on your website?

There are several ways you can find the product you're looking for on our website.

  • Find My Car™ - With the Find My Car™ search tool, you can enter as much or as little information about your vehicle to pull up a list of our applicable titles. The Find My Car™ button can be found at the top of every BentleyPublishers.com web page.
  • Keyword Search - A Keyword seach entry box can be found at the top left corner of every BentleyPublishers.com web page. Enter a few words into the box and the seach engine will list the matching results.
  • Topic specific stores - Along the left hand side of every BentleyPublishers.com web page is a list of all the topic specific stores within BentleyPublishers.com. In each section you'll find the products we offer relating to that particular topic.

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What guarantee do you offer on your products?

If you are dissatisfied for any reason with a physical product which you have purchased from us, please return it, with a request for a refund and your comments within 6 weeks of receipt for a full refund.

Because of problems with software piracy, software products may only be returned either:

  1. Unopenned, in original packing
  2. Before an "activation" key is issued, or
  3. If, already "activated", after "deactivation" code is issued by Software Support.

Online access to eBahn® Web Subscriptions is non-refundable. Read more about our eBahn® Web refund policy here.

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How do I contact your Customer Service Department?

1.617.547.4170 (International)

9.00am - 5.30pm Mon - Thurs (US Eastern Time)
9.00am - 5.00pm Friday


1.617.876.9235 (24 Hours)

Send us comments or feedback:

Please include as much detail about your problem as possible. Include your address, zip code, and telephone number (if you would like telephone follow up).

Bookstore hours.

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What makes your site secure?

Secure online ordering - We use SSL encryption for our secure online order process, with a certificate from Verisign, Inc. Your credit card data is protected and handled in a responsible manner.

Browser Settings and Shopping cart technical note - Our shopping cart uses "cookies" to keep track of items in your cart. Your browser must have "cookies" enabled in order to buy Bentley Publishers products online. For more detailed information on our use of "cookies" please refer to our privacy policy.

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What methods of payment do you accept?

Orders must be prepaid by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover), check, or money order (U.S. dollars). Sorry, no C.O.D.s.
BentleyPublishers.com accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover

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What other ordering options do you offer?

Bentley Publishers conducts Internet transactions with a secure connection protected by SSL encryption. However, you can also submit your order using any of the following other methods.

To Order By Phone:

Call toll free 1-800-423-4595. Please have your credit card information ready.

To Order By Mail:

Print out your completed shipping information form and the order confirmation page but do not submit the forms. Instead, mail the forms to us at:

Bentley Publishers
Attention: Sales Department
1734 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138-1804 USA

To Order By Fax:

Print out the completed shipping information form and the order confirmation page but do not submit the forms. Instead, fax them to us 24 hours a day at 1-617-876-9235. We do not need a confirmation copy by mail.

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